Commercial Companies ﹥﹥﹥﹥ Partnership ﹥﹥﹥﹥ General Partnership ﹥﹥﹥﹥ Limited Partnership ﹥﹥﹥﹥ Capital Company ﹥﹥﹥﹥ Private Limited Company ﹥﹥﹥﹥ Société Anonyme ﹥﹥﹥﹥ Limited Company ﹥﹥﹥﹥ Company establishment in Cyprus

We provide consulting services to partnerships and capital companies for their compliance with the regulatory framework governing their activities through every stage of the company life cycle, from the point of their establishment to their dissolution.

Our services include the following:

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    Drafting of private agreements for the establishment of partnerships, their modification and codification, the transfer of company shares and their dissolution.

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    Drafting of articles of association (AoA) of capital companies, minutes of general meetings for the modification and codification of their articles of association, the election of the members of their board of directors, the increase or decrease of the corporate capital, minutes of the board of directors and shareholder agreements.

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    Due diligence and drafting of private agreements for the purchase of company shares, business entities and specific business assets.

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    Legal representation and representation in court proceedings of members or managers of partnerships in cases related to the withdrawal of the company manager, the exit or exclusion of a partner, the appointment of a temporary management board, the dissolution of the company, the replacement of a liquidator.

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    Legal representation and representation in court proceedings shareholders or members of the board of directors of a limited liability company in cases relating to challenging decisions of the general meeting of the shareholders or the board of directors as invalid or non-existent, the performance of audit, the appointment of a temporary board of directors, the declaration of a limited company as invalid, its dissolution, etc.

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